
Past experiences have shown that involvement of research partners in the concept development and design process of demonstration buildings can inspire the planning team and increase the energy efficiency and indoor environment quality of buildings. The “Advisory and evaluation group” (AEG) has the aim to support the demonstration partners in the whole retrofit process (concept development, design, construction, monitoring and reporting). The activity was carried out by research and industry partners, in order to provide the most advanced solutions



All the demonstration building design, realisation and management phases have been adequately addressed in order to assure a holistic approach, taking into account all following aspects:

  • Building, building service and management system design,
  • High quality realisation of the demonstration project,
  • Continuous monitoring and ongoing optimisation and re-commissioning




  • A report of the design phase of the 4 school building retrofits (Report of the design phase)
  • A building diary on the website
  • A report of the design, realisation, commissioning and monitoring of the 4 school building retrofits