Address: via Tito Maccio Plauto, n. 4, Cesena, Italy
Building owner: Cesena Municipality
Degree Days: 1435 Kd (basis for calculation 16 °C)
Building type and size:
- total floor area: 6027 m2
- number of storeys: 3 + 1 (Basement)
- number of classrooms 33
- urban context: isolated
- number of pupils/classes: 20
- use profile: morning and afternoon (Monday +Friday), only morning on Saturday. The gymnasium is used also in the evening and during the weekends
Short description of the renovation and its purpose:
The aim of the renovation is to lower the buildings net energy consumptions, from 154.3 kWh/m2year to 36 kWh/m2year, and to improve the indoor environment quality (air, daylight, acoustic, thermal comfort). Renovation works will have to be done without interrupting its functionality. The works to be done inside classrooms will be performed during non-operating hours and summer teaching closure. The renovation will include the following actions: insulation of the building envelope, interventions on the building plants (lighting, heating and ventilation) and installation of a PV system.
Energy conservation and renewable energy measures:
- Energy conservation: auditorium basement insulation, roof insulation, gymnasium external walls insulation, window replacement, installation of thermostatic valves at the radiators, installation of a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery, lighting control and high efficiency lamps
- Efficient energy supply: replacement of traditional natural gas boilers with high efficiency condensing boilers
- Renewables: installation of a 28 kW PV plant on the southern roof pitch
- Advanced control and monitoring: advanced BEMS and monitoring system connected with the centralized system that is planned to be developed at Municipality level. BEMS will control all main parameters: thermal, ventilation, lighting and PV functionality.
Responsible person for the demonstration project:
Mr. Giovanni Battistini, Energia per la Città, Cesena
Full description of the planned renovation (project proposal)
Cesena school on the air: The energy renovation works of the cesena school are presented as a video on the ENEA web tv,
Tito Maccio Plauto school diary
Training materials:
3 sets of training material for pupils, teachers and technical service personnel available in Italian
October 2015
The Tito Maccio Plauto school cited among top ten most significant examples of Italian Green Schools.
The retrofit of the school building stock is a crucial task for the Italian government, thus several actions accompanied by relevant financial incentives have been implemented to speed up the process., the online version of the influential Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, listed the 10 most significant examples of Italian green schools.
The Tito Maccio Plauto school, renovated in the framework of the EU FP7 Project School of the Future, is cited as a shining example for the 80% reduction of thermal energy uses and the achievement of electricity neutrality.
Other demonstration buildings:
Germany: Solitude Gymnasium, Stuttgart