Address: Hedegårdskolen, Magleparken 8, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark
Building owner: Ballerup Kommune
Degree Days: 3200 Kd (basis for calculation 18 °C)
Building type and size:
The total floor area of the building is 3.850 m2 and is divided in 2.876 m2 ground floor and 974 m2 high usable basement (plus 1.902 m2 crept/low basement). The building has 15 ordinary classrooms - each holds approximately 24 students, two rooms for physics/science, one auditorium, one teacher room, and a student cafeteria in the basement. The building is mainly used from 07.30-15.30 o’clock, but it is also used for teaching of two-languaged students in the afternoon/evening. Occasionally it’s used for meetings or other arrangements in the evening.
Short description of the renovation and its purpose:
The school is more than 35 years old and a renovation is needed. The roof is not weathertight, the windows are punctured and not tight and the insulation levels low. Also the lighting system is old-fashioned and consumes too much energy.
Energy conservation and renewable energy measures:
- Energy conservation: The windows sections need to be replaced with low-energy frames and glass. The insulation levels of the roof and external walls is to be increased. The indoor lightning system is to be renewed using LED or inductance lighting systems.
- Efficient energy supply: The school is connected to the district heating network and therefore there is no need for changing the heating supply system as such.
- Renewables: The possibility of installing PV on the roof will be investigated, especially from the economic point of view. Also a small DHW-solar system for pedagogical reasons might be installed.
- Advanced control and monitoring: The BEMS system for automatic management of heating, ventilation and lighting system is to be renewed/replaced by an up-to-date system that allows for demand control of the heating, ventilation and lighting systems.
Training materials:
3 sets of training material for pupils, teachers and technical service personnel available in Danish
Responsible person for the demonstration project:
Birgit Jørgensen. The municipality of Ballerup.
Full description of the planned renovation (project proposal)
Other demonstration buildings:
Italy: Tito Maccio Plauto school, Cesena