Partners from the project School of the Future organized a specific session at the International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC 2013), held in Freiburg in September 2013. The session was chaired by the project coordinator Hans Erhorn from Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics.

The papers are now published by Elsevier's Energy Procedia. Volume 48, 2014, available at ScienceDirect 


The following papers present work from the project School of the Future:

·         Buvik, K.; G. Andersen and S. Tangen. Ambitious renovation of a historical school building in cold climate

·         Erhorn-Kluttig, H. and H. Erhorn. School of the Future – Towards zero emission with high performance indoor environment

·         Kempe, S. and J. Görres. Deep retrofit of the Solitude Gymnasium in Stuttgart Weilimdorf

·         Paulsen, A. J. and O. C. Mørck. Energy saving technology screening within the EU project School of the Future

·         Zinzi, M. Retrofit of an existing school in Italy with High Energy Standards